Business and Finance

How 6 Things Will Change your Approach to Life Insurance

Numerous people in Singapore may have distorted views that alter their general approach to life insurance, making it quite an unfathomable process. However, life insurance is simple to acquire and doesn’t appear any complicated. Currently, there are numerous misconceptions about life insurance that, when debunked, will change the way you approach them. This guide will shed some light on life insurance that you’ll find helpful.

Consider your Approach to Life Insurance

  1. You don’t need to be employed to get life insurance

Of course, life insurance serves the purpose of replacing your income to maintain the standards of living for your dependents. And as a general perception, people may opt against subscribing to a term plan in Singapore if they aren’t earning. Fairly so, it’s justifiable enough not to opt for life insurance if you’re not employed since you’ll need to service your premiums. Nonetheless, it’s always commendable to have life insurance on your side if you can pay for one. Remember that death is inevitable, and things can be much worse if you have a few dependents looking up to you.

  1. Savings are better than life insurance

Most people resort to savings instead of committing to life insurance, which, quite frankly, is a worthy option. However, life insurance is equally essential and incredibly impactful when it comes to keeping your family or dependents off the hook in the event of your demise. What makes life insurance better is that they offer remittances stretching through the time you aren’t around to provide. A typical term plan in Singapore usually stretches across a specified period. That way, there’s a better chance of preventing misappropriation or using the amount without a plan.

  1. Employment life insurance and a personal policy are equally essential

While life insurance from your employer may appear sufficient and capable of adequately covering you, don’t rule out a personal policy yet. Keep in mind that termination of employment or an uncertain company collapse can affect you drastically; therefore, having something else by your side can be prudent. Besides, you never know when your employer may opt you out or change the terms on the cover. Having a personal policy guarantees you cover safety than when you’re entirely reliant on your employer’s life insurance.

  1. Life insurance is best when you’re old

Don’t be duped by the comfort of your youthfulness even if you think it’s too early to commit your life’s safety to insurance. It’s even commendable to pick your life insurance right when you’re young and healthy since you’ll commit yourself to a term plan in Singapore spanning your preferred period. Most people think that committing to paying premiums early in their lives takes their cash away and drains their pockets. However, it’s a worthy decision that your dependents will thank you for in the event that you pass away.

  1. Life insurance is expensive

No doubt that you’ll pay considerably in premiums, and that may appear costly since it bulges your expenses. However, its long-term impact outweighs the costs since you’re guaranteed cover at the end when things go south. Besides, your downright perception of the general cost of a term plan in Singapore could only be based on a pure overestimation of the aggregate amount to pay. Instead, the aggregate cost could be way less than you imagine.

  1. Joint policies can be of poor value

As attractive as joint policies are, they may turn out to be of poor value than you could think of. Remember that you’re committing to paying your premiums on a collective effort, and in the event that one of you passes away, it’ll leave you completely disrupted. Besides, even if your spouse has been making the payments, it could prompt them to start over again once you pass away. Therefore, try as much as you can to keep away from joint policies since they can turn out to be of poor value than you anticipated.


Life insurance is a life-long commitment to paying fixed amounts to secure your family’s and dependent’s future. However, it can be pretty disruptive if you aren’t at grips with the facts. Therefore, it helps to be familiar with black and whites not to have a distorted perception and change your approach towards them. We hope this article helps change your view toward life insurance in Singapore.



Emily Franklin

About Author

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